Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sorry No Movie For You Guys.. At Least for Now

Hiya all!! Okay maybe some of you expecting a movie review, well i'm sorry to disappoint, but i have none of that for you... 
*protests everywhere* I SAID I'M SOWRRY OKAY!! GEEZZ!!

I will throw my reasons at you;
  • i haven't watched any movie (well, duh... Obviously)
  • college projects are killing me
  • i'm on the roll with my pencils.. (i'll give you a look later)
  • my sister is hospitalized
  • i hardly find any free time.
Those five points above are my beautifully crafted reasons fo' you

Okay, if you check out my profile, you probably know about this, i like to draw, paint, sketch, everything you can do with pencils and colours. Honestly i'm proud to say, i am an capable artist, not good but good enough to be called an artist (i think), you can be the judge of that. 

soo yeah like i said before this blog will concentrate on movies, but when i have none i'll post other things.. and now i think about it, the 'other things' i'll post pretty much is my drawings.. yeah

and here is the sample..

TADAAA~~~ basically this is a dog... well i know, obvious right. the story is, i found my coloured pencils, then grabbed my sketch book, then this happened. i rarely do colours, and honestly i don't really into colours i prefer black and white (PENCIL FO'EVA!!). but then again since i want some change so i just go with it. 

If i must say, it's not my best because i only have 24 coloured pencils which are not much, so i had trouble with the shading... you know either it's too light or too dark. this drawing is my first time with coloured pencils (well, i've painted two paintings though.. does that count??) and it's pretty good i think...

Okay, there will be more of this thing, just wait.. the best (in my opinion) is yet to come, it's a sketch about a male game character.. go figure... 


Bubye, see you an the next movie... or drawing :)

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