Friday, May 30, 2014

Blackfish 2013


Basically tells us what really happened in SeaWorld and SeaLand in Vancouver. Tilikum as the subject of interest, who has killed three trainers. And I tell you this, from what i get in the documentary, we've been lied to.

Who have seen this documentary?? What do you think?? I tell you what i think. I feel SICK. PEOPLE ARE SICK. That's just it. The moment i saw how they capture the baby orcas, how they ripped of from their mother, i was like 'GOD! WHAT THE FUCK WAS YOUR THINKING SHITHEAD?!' At least they feel sorry for what they've done. I don't think SeaWorld does, but the guy who capture the orcas does.

Tilikum, was in SeaLand before relocated to SeaWorld. in SeaLand he was the smallest and often being the target of the larger two males. They said sometimes he was covered by scars all over his body, they saw blood, flesh. And they put three of them in a small metal floating room (it's not really small, but small for three huge orcas) in winter. They starved them if they did not perform well, no, if Tilikum did not perform well. And the other two knew it, so they attack Tilikum for it. to cut it short, frustrated he killed three trainers.

Really, it's the humans faults. Not Tilikum. It's in their nature to kill... forcing them, training them will do nothing to it. They will not be your pet, like dogs cats. Sure they can be trained to perform, but just get realistic okay?  They are WILD animals, no matter what you CAN'T CHANGE that. All you can do is TRAINED, NOT CHANGE. It's written in stone, metal, diamond... or whatever..

Oh and... this part really pissed me of... THEY KNEW NOTHING ABOUT ORCAS!! They said in captivity orcas live longer than in wild because they have health care, and their average lifespans are about 30-35.. EAT SHIT!! Scientists in the documentary clearly stated that they can live until 100 year old. Do you even read people?! We have INTERNET people, use it!! or do you just want the money!?

SEE?! Even in shows, they are attacking one another, if you watched the documentary the blood.. THE BLOOD!! HOLY MOTHER FUCKER!! Oh, this is not Tilikum anyways...

Why i say this? Because i like-love animals. I may seem unconcerned with the victims but, although they seem cute you have to remind yourself that they are wild animals. You have to restrict yourself to a certain degree. Attacks can happen at anytime.

Ratings: for documentary i give this 9/10... And I'm not sorry.

HASTA LA VISTA!! (did i type it right?)

i hope i don't get sued for this...

I'm sorry to curse a lot in this, but i'm not sorry... (what did i just said?) click this link if you agree with me FREETILLYNOW

Peace out.. bubye

Sunday, May 25, 2014

X-Men Days of Future Past

X-Men Days of Future Past

Wolf went to the past day to fix the future by Kitty Pryde power. Actually Professor X is the one who supposed to go back, but since he is old and can't regenerate his body, wolverine offers himself... And the story goes on. Wolverine meet Charles Xavier, and Hank, they team up to bust Eric Lehnsherr out with Peter aka Quick Silver help. Then Wolverine, Charles, dan Eric team up to stop Mystique, in which of course Eric has a plan of his own. But in the end.... Well, see for yourself.

I will try, TRY to NOT get subjective.. Because i'm one of Jennifer Lawrance haters... See i don't even bother to fix my typo... I just don't like her at all.

Whew... In term of story line, it's a bit jumpy in the beginning but as the plot goes on it will become clearer. Overall it's pretty good, has some good humour in it (you'll see what i'm talkin about in the movie).  Acting is greatly done by James McAvoy, i like his performance in this. His character is in a very deep sorrow, he's pretty much just give up, and simply tired. He capture it perfectly, i give you a round of applause Mr James McAvoy. Impressive.

But again i say it to you guys, the proportion of Mystique is too many for my liking, and that's just a big turn down for me.

i give it 6/10

If i should say it, Mystique is the ROOT of the problem of the future, B****...
O-O will i get sued for this? I hope not

Kay that's all, i'm too tired to give you more, because yesterday i ran 5K with my friends for a marathon... Although i'm used to run, but still it's tiring yet great! I want to do more! :)


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Special Post

Hey, so i'm thinking about posting all my art works here all together therefore in the future, I can concentrate on movies... Here we go...

If you know this guy you are a BROO!! he's a youtuber, PewDiePie, if you feel bored just watched him in youtube.. Instant Happiness, trust me i tried once and now i'm addicted. Usually he plays horror game, and sometimes he plays others.. and since i like him, then why not draw him? And i got nothing better to do, so why the hell not..

Next is a game character.. HE'S AN ASSASSIN!!! GUESS WHO!! Yep you're right Assassin's Creed Renaissance, Ezio Auditore. Honestly i never played the game, but Oh God do i want to.... I just read the novel, at that time my internet was off (FIRST WORLD'S PROBLEM PEOPLE!!), i was very extremely bored so i did this...
And this...

Finally this... EXTRA LARGE FO' THIS!! HA!


Next is a big cat drawing..

Yep, pretty good, this is a snow leopard. The hardest part was the fur, man i need to make it looks soft, damn hard and time consuming..

And i think that's all my work until now (actually there's more of them, but the most recent are these). It's not much because i rarely draw, but to be honest i really like drawing, especially seeing the result and when people like it... Personal satisfaction... I'm very happy to share these with you guys, and if you enjoy it, all i can say is thank you very much :)

Till next post, BUBYE!! :)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Comedy Is What Life is All About

-Le Chef AKA The Chef; france movie. I think you can guess what the movie is about by the title.. It's pretty interesting, France movie is new for me, i want to see it. 

I just watched a bunch of trailers from IMDB, and here are the trailers i like, comedy most of it though;
-22 Jump Street; I don't have to say much about this, you guys probably know and (hopefully) watched 21 Jump Street so i don't have to say much.. Really looking forward to this!
-Tammy; Don't really know about this one, but still I appreciate a good laugh from a movie... From what i get, this is about a woman going on a trip with her grandmother, and that is sayin alot.. HA!
-Dawn of the Planet of the Apes; I thought this sequel will be no good, but after seeing the trailer, I must say I expect something good in the movie.

You should check these trailers out, sometimes short things can tell a lot #qotd?

Also another sketch of mine;

You know him? I hope you do... After watching Captain America; The Winter Soldier I thought 'why not?' So i made this

Way better than i expected, because this is my first try on drawing people face (excluding Elizabeth Booker on my previous post, she's not real) And i'm quite happy to see this amazing result *YAY FOR ME!!*

I think that's all for today.. See you later! BUBYE :)


Tuesday, May 6, 2014



Sorry, exams, no time, can't watch any movie.. I'm really really sorry guys!!
Anyway, have you check TMNT second trailer out?? i have and you know what.... NOTHING DIFFERENT AT ALL!! And, and ugh get rid of the nose trills man!! the classic one doesn't have nose trills AT ALL!!


 Even the previous movie looks MUCH better!!!

I prefer this than the first one, nickelodeon got it right dudes...

 Ahhh, the old days..

The key point though, once again i say, NOSE TRILLS!! (but still, i wanna watch it tho')

Oooo have you seen The Amazing Spiderman 2? I'm not interested actually.. Why? Hmmm, i guess i'm not a fan of spidey... Ooo now that i think of it, the villain (i don't know the name) looks like The Mandarin Iron Man 3, but in blue not red-orange... Right? come on just think of it... I'm right, aren't I?*smugashell*

No but seriously, i think they didn't think about that in production... BUT I DOO!! HA!! BOOYAA!!


HHHOOOO!!! It just strike me!!! Do you remember Iron Man 2 villain with the electrical whip thingy?! combined it with the Mandarin.... VOILA... (viola...?? Naahh...) VOILA!!! ELECTRO!! (I googled it) EHEHEHE...

Just some shitty revelation of me, don't take this to the heart 'kay guys?

  *le wild sexy heart

Oooo... here is another art work... (i did promise you in the previous post)

For those who don't know.. She is Elizabeth Booker from Bioshock Infinite (Duuhh... it's written on the picture.. silly me..) Soo, at first i did not want (too lazy) to colour her...

And it turns out weird as hell... Then I thought 'shit, looks like snow white after bleaching... fuck it, imma  colour her...' 

Then it turns out like the first picture above.. Which i say much better..

Okay that's been an update from me, i'll see you an the next update..
