Sunday, May 18, 2014

Special Post

Hey, so i'm thinking about posting all my art works here all together therefore in the future, I can concentrate on movies... Here we go...

If you know this guy you are a BROO!! he's a youtuber, PewDiePie, if you feel bored just watched him in youtube.. Instant Happiness, trust me i tried once and now i'm addicted. Usually he plays horror game, and sometimes he plays others.. and since i like him, then why not draw him? And i got nothing better to do, so why the hell not..

Next is a game character.. HE'S AN ASSASSIN!!! GUESS WHO!! Yep you're right Assassin's Creed Renaissance, Ezio Auditore. Honestly i never played the game, but Oh God do i want to.... I just read the novel, at that time my internet was off (FIRST WORLD'S PROBLEM PEOPLE!!), i was very extremely bored so i did this...
And this...

Finally this... EXTRA LARGE FO' THIS!! HA!


Next is a big cat drawing..

Yep, pretty good, this is a snow leopard. The hardest part was the fur, man i need to make it looks soft, damn hard and time consuming..

And i think that's all my work until now (actually there's more of them, but the most recent are these). It's not much because i rarely draw, but to be honest i really like drawing, especially seeing the result and when people like it... Personal satisfaction... I'm very happy to share these with you guys, and if you enjoy it, all i can say is thank you very much :)

Till next post, BUBYE!! :)

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